Jumat, 09 Maret 2018

PENAWARAN Ledakan Fitness Pilates Ring-Intl

Ledakan Fitness Pilates Ring-Intl

Bahan: kaca serat, EVA, MBR busa, bagian plastik ABS
Adegan yang berlaku: Dance Movement, tren olahraga, fitness body, peralatan kebugaran, kesehatan pijat, alat musik
Spesifikasi: 40*3.5 cm
Warna: pink, biru, ungu, abu-abu, merah, hitam, hijau
Kategori: alat bantu Yoga
Kategori produk: Pilates Circle

Mungkin Anda berminat dengan Produk [latihan dan fitness] / Ledakan Fitness Pilates Ring-Intl, saran saya Produk Ledakan Fitness Pilates Ring-Intl bisa jadi adalah cocok untuk kamu.

Produk Ledakan Fitness Pilates Ring-Intl mendapatkan Ranking 26 untuk kategori [latihan dan fitness].

Apabila Kamu belanja Ledakan Fitness Pilates Ring-Intl saat ini maka Kamu akan menghemat 299938, karena Produk ini harga aslinya ialah 599876, Bila membeli hari ini Anda akan mendapatkan Diskon -50% , Yoi! Kamu cukup membayar 299938 saja!, Untung dari Penghematan sebesar -50% yaitu 299938, bisa anda gunakan untuk belanja lagi

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di MarketPlace Lazada.co.id Produk ID adalah 67367221 serta memiliki SKU OE427SPAB43WVPANID
Produk ini berasal dari Brand OEM dengan Brand ID: 6427

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Ledakan Fitness Pilates Ring-Intl
Ledakan Fitness Pilates Ring-Intl
Ledakan Fitness Pilates Ring-Intl
Ledakan Fitness Pilates Ring-Intl
Ledakan Fitness Pilates Ring-Intl
Ledakan Fitness Pilates Ring-Intl

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    GET YOUR COMPREHENSIVE SET OF 3 ULTRA-QUALITY RESISTANCE BANDS - are you in the market for reliable and quality set of resistance loop bands? Ditch those fake Chinese imitations and take advantage of the #1 best loop resistance bands in the market right now.
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    Go with our convenient resistance training bands that are ideal for working out with different muscle groups, as well as for rehabilitation and 'sports therapy'.
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    Even better, these resistance loop bands are easily integrated with some of the most popular programs including Zumba, Yoga, Beach Body, and more.
    GET SUPER TENSILE, SAFE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY RESISTANCE BANDS, OR YOUR MONEY BACK - you get a super pack of 3 resistance loop bands that are sturdy, odorless, and a great fit to power up your exercises.3 Pack Resistance Exercise Workout Bands [FREE TRAVEL BAG] 12\
    Jika Anda membeli 3 Pack Resistance Exercise Workout Bands [FREE TRAVEL BAG] 12\ sekarang Anda akan menghemat , Karena Harga Normal adalah 400000 dan Harga saat ini adalah 400000. Jadi mau beli di harga berapa? 400000 sekarang atau saat normal kembali menjadi 400000? Jawabannya sekarang?

  • Pilates Ring - Toning, Sculpting, Strength and Flexibility, Power Resistance Exercise Circle, Thigh Toner, Fitness Magic Circle, 14 Inch Dual Grip Ring by Yogalo Pilates Series (Blue) - intl

    FULL BODY WORKOUT ALL IN 1: arms, abs, chest, thighs, hips, glutes, especially effective for areas such as inner and outer thighs.
    Check out the workout guide recommendations to get started with an effective workout routine that will help you reach your fitness goals.
    360 ° GRIP FOAM PADDED HANDLES so that you can train both inner and outer thighs with ultimate comfort and protect your hands when doing arm, ab and chest exercises.
    DURABLE HIGH QUALITY MATERIAL: fiber glass is able to better maintain the resistance and shape of the ring compared to the classic steel ring even in extensive use.
    This ring has been tested by Pilates professionals and is used in some of the top Pilates studios in the country.
    TRAVEL-FRIENDLY: You can easily take the light-weight 14 inch pilates ring along when you travel and it fits easily even in your carry-on luggage.
    90 day 100% money back guarantee if the product does not fully meet your expectations.
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    Jika Anda membeli Pilates Ring - Toning, Sculpting, Strength and Flexibility, Power Resistance Exercise Circle, Thigh Toner, Fitness Magic Circle, 14 Inch Dual Grip Ring by Yogalo Pilates Series (Blue) - intl sekarang Anda akan menghemat , Karena Harga Normal adalah 991000 dan Harga saat ini adalah 991000. Jadi mau beli di harga berapa? 991000 sekarang atau saat normal kembali menjadi 991000? Jawabannya sekarang?

  • Pilates Ring - Toning, Sculpting, Strength and Flexibility, Power Resistance Exercise Circle, Thigh Toner, Fitness Magic Circle, 14 Inch Dual Grip Ring by Yogalo Pilates Series (Blue) - intl

    FULL BODY WORKOUT ALL IN 1: arms, abs, chest, thighs, hips, glutes, especially effective for areas such as inner and outer thighs.
    Check out the workout guide recommendations to get started with an effective workout routine that will help you reach your fitness goals.
    360 ° GRIP FOAM PADDED HANDLES so that you can train both inner and outer thighs with ultimate comfort and protect your hands when doing arm, ab and chest exercises.
    DURABLE HIGH QUALITY MATERIAL: fiber glass is able to better maintain the resistance and shape of the ring compared to the classic steel ring even in extensive use.
    This ring has been tested by Pilates professionals and is used in some of the top Pilates studios in the country.
    TRAVEL-FRIENDLY: You can easily take the light-weight 14 inch pilates ring along when you travel and it fits easily even in your carry-on luggage.
    90 day 100% money back guarantee if the product does not fully meet your expectations.
    Brand : Yogalo Pilates SeriesPilates Ring - Toning, Sculpting, Strength and Flexibility, Power Resistance Exercise Circle, Thigh Toner, Fitness Magic Circle, 14 Inch Dual Grip Ring by Yogalo Pilates Series (Blue) - intl
    Jika Anda membeli Pilates Ring - Toning, Sculpting, Strength and Flexibility, Power Resistance Exercise Circle, Thigh Toner, Fitness Magic Circle, 14 Inch Dual Grip Ring by Yogalo Pilates Series (Blue) - intl sekarang Anda akan menghemat , Karena Harga Normal adalah 991000 dan Harga saat ini adalah 991000. Jadi mau beli di harga berapa? 991000 sekarang atau saat normal kembali menjadi 991000? Jawabannya sekarang?

  • Latihan Yoga Pilates Keseimbangan Bantal Pijat Kebugaran Gym Menebal Kerusuhan Bola-Intl

    Bahan: PVC
    Warna: Biru
    Ketebalan: Perkiraan. 6mm
    Diameter: Perkiraan. 35 cm
    Ukuran kecil
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    Nyaman untuk dibawa
    Meningkatkan kesehatan dan vitalitasLatihan Yoga Pilates Keseimbangan Bantal Pijat Kebugaran Gym Menebal Kerusuhan Bola-Intl
    Jika Anda membeli Latihan Yoga Pilates Keseimbangan Bantal Pijat Kebugaran Gym Menebal Kerusuhan Bola-Intl sekarang Anda akan menghemat -50% , Karena Harga Normal adalah 576000 dan Harga saat ini adalah 288000. Jadi mau beli di harga berapa? 288000 sekarang atau saat normal kembali menjadi 576000? Jawabannya sekarang?

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